Wednesday, September 11, 2013

A Continued Reflection

I know that I posted a 9/11 reflection the other day. Today, on the actual anniversary, seeing the outpouring of remembrance has given me hope. It was interesting to discuss 9/11 with friends and see the postings throughout social media. Memories, photos, and messages; many of which were for people that most of never met but that we wish to honor them.

Images of the towers falling caused heartache, images of the One World Trade Center offer hope. One discussion I had was on the generation that remembers 9/11. I'm 21 years old now, making me nine at the times of the attacks. I remember that day, but my brother would have been seven and I don't believe he entirely remembers. It is interesting to think that people my age and just two years younger will be the last generation with memories of those attacks.

One thing that strikes me is that I always remember how it was such a beautiful day that day. Gorgeous blue skies. That is always very constant in my memory. It was a beautiful day in Pittsburgh, but in New York as well. That clear blue sky so contrasted with the flames, smoke, and dust.

This is something I posted on my personal Facebook page today. Although it overlaps with my previous post, I would like to share it:

"It's so hard to believe its been 12 years. I remember the day so vividly, but I also remember the fear. It didn't seem real. Even now it's difficult to comprehend. In America's darkest hour, our strengths and values were still so evident. In all the loss and destruction, we saw heroism. We saw strength. From the ashes we rose and swore never to forget. We got the bastard responsible too. We were united as one and we became a stronger nation. The heroes of 9/11 emerged from everywhere. We stand strong. We stand together.

All of the death from those attacks is so crazy and horrifying to comprehend. 343 firefighters gone...entire crews. So much was lost. From the deaths of first  and civilians so much potential and goodness was lost. That's why we remember. One day when I have to explain 9/11 to my children, I hope they are living in a safer world.

"Let's roll""

Heroes emerge during our darkest hours. We are strongest when we are tested. Those attacks have proven to be costly. But, as the saying goes, freedom isn't free. And there isn't any price on freedom. It is truly a glorious thing. And I know that the flag still means freedom. We're still free.

I am also going to share a few photos. My university (Robert Morris University, Pennsylvania) has a flag project every year for 9/11. The flags on our front lawn are breathtakingly beautiful, it's a sight to see. I wanted to share a few photos from the lawn. The person wearing the FDNY shirt is me. Today, nothing seemed more appropriate than wearing my FDNY shirt (bought at a fire expo a few years ago) and a hat from my own fire department. 

Keep fire in your life. Stay safe.

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