Saturday, April 19, 2014

EMS versus Athletic Trainers?

"Fire Engineering" recently reported that the University of Minnesota is completing a study to understand the relationship and differences between certified athletic trainers and emergency medical personnel.

This is an interesting study, especially because it says about the understanding of each other's profession. When I was in high school, I was a student athletic trainer and considered going to college for it. Ultimately, I didn't, but I was lucky enough to gain experience. My student athletic training years taught me a lot. During that time, I also obtained my EMT-B. What is interesting to me is that the study questions how much either side knows about the other's educational background. I know several athletic training programs, albeit most of them in Pennsylvania, required their Bachelor of Science athletic training students to take an EMT course and become certified EMTs.

From my experience, athletic trainers and EMTs have a professional relationships. Athletic trainers know when to call the EMTs, and EMTs are willing to help. My EMT class didn't teach me to tape ankles just like athletic training experience didn't teach me how to suction. However, there is a overlap in the skills sections. I think because of that, the two professions automatically have respect for one another. It's a working and professional relationship. Working together only helps the other. I hope to be able to find the study when its finished. I would love to hear perspective from EMTs or ATs. I also wonder what prompted the study. Overall, I find it fascinating.

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